Fundación para el Dasarrollo de la Excelencia Humana
(Foundation for the Development of Human Excellence)
Fundación para el Dasarrollo de la Excelencia Humana
(Foundation for the Development of Human Excellence)
Rafael Ramírez
President of Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Excelencia Humana
Financial Director at One Eighty México and 180 Senior Housing San Miguel SA
Dr.Antonio Contestábile
Vice President of Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Excelencia Humana
Neonatologist and Pediatrician at Hospital Ángeles, Chihuahua
Irma Aguilera
Treasurer of Fundación para el Dasarrollo de la Excelencia Humana
Administrator at Iluminación Profesional (An Electrical Company), Chihuahua
Dr.Maria Isela Frayre
Secretary of Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Excelencia Humana
Physiatrist at State Children´s Hospital, Chihuahua
Vera Alvarez
Vocal of Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Excelencia Humana
Executive Assistant at Consultores en Procesos Estables SC, Chihuahua
Patricia Parmentar
Vocal of Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Exclencia Humana
Professional Technical Translator from Spanish to English
- Nutrition Programme – From November 2018 to October 2019, over 5,700 meals have been provided to the Tarahumara families in Chihuahua city, an average of 550 meals every month
- In the city of Mexico, over 5,100 meals have been served at a hospital from November 2018 to October 2019, an average of 500 meals every month
- Human Values booklets detailing the human values for youth have been developed
- Spanish translation of the Handbook for Teachers on Human Values has been completed to help in teachers training
- Spanish translation of the Leadership Programme offered by HOPE Collaborative (USA) has been completed for the use of all Spanish speaking countries. This is specially meant to benefit the youth and teachers
- A Centre for Human Excellence in Chihuahua is currently under construction
Centre for Human Excellence, Chihuahua