Love and Peace Centre for Human Development and Service, Escobar, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

Dr Jorge Luis Berra
President of Sai Prema Foundation
Director of Postgraduate Courses on Ayurvedic Medicine at Argentine Medical Association and Great Rosario University
Director of Fundación de Salud Ayurveda Prema (Prema Ayurveda Health Foundation)

Antonio Figueroa
Treasurer of Sai Prema Foundation
Security Chief of Abasto Shopping Mall

Martin Abulafia
Secretary of Sai Prema Foundation

Rosana Molho de Berra
Vocal of Sai Prema Foundation
Director Postgraduate Courses on Ayurveda and Psychology at Argentine Medical Association and Great Rosario University
Magister in Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology
Director of Fundación de Salud Ayurveda Prema (Prema Ayurveda Health Foundation)

Charlie Perez Lean
Vocal of Sai Prema Foundation
Architect – Private Practice

Liliana Garrido
Member of Management Council of Sai Prema Foundation
Retired from Banco Marco S.A. (Private Banking Company)

Jorge Nasrala
Member of Management Council of Sai Prema Foundation
Director General of Movimiento Migratorio (Migratory Movement) in the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing, Argentina
- ‘Love and Peace’ – The Centre for Human Development and Service conducts meditation, study circles and yoga
- Over 21,000 meals have been served to the homeless in different parts of the country like Buenos Aires, Belén de Escobar, La Plata, Misiones Province, Salta and Córdoba. During these visits to the homeless, the group also spends time with the children in slums by playing with them and involving them in few activities

- Latin American Institute for Education in Human Values has produced 20 books on human values for children, adolescents and adults. Members from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile and Venezuela participate in these programmes
- ‘Seeds of Love’, a Spanish Radio Programme is aired in Sanathana Vani (The Voice Eternal), which is a platform to invite, associate, speak, listen, contemplate and realise the truth taught by all the great beings that ever walked the face of the planet
- Translating and publishing books on Sai Baba

Inauguration of Love and Peace Centre for Human Development and Service
An extract from the letter of Monseñor Nestor Villa, Diocesan Delegate for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue, on the occasion of the Opening Ceremony of Love and Peace Centre for Human Development and Service, Argentina
“The location of this Center of the Sai Prema Foundation, focused on the promotion of initiatives in favor of health and education, we believe is inscribed in this context, in this city of Belén de Escobar, in honor of the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Let’s not forget that the Gospel according to Saint Matthew tells us about enigmatic wise men from the East, the Magi who went to offer him their gifts… casual similarity with this case, wise men from the East come to Bethlehem for an altruistic task, in any way a reason for rejoicing and a pioneer in all Latin America.”